Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Tags old and new

Every blogger belongs to a network: a small, almost closed group that is part of another larger network of many such small closed groups.

We all have duties to such networks. Broadly, they are:

  1. Update own blogs regularly
  2. In these update, link to other bloggers within the network
  3. Provide a list of blogs read – which is a list of blogs in the network
  4. Comment on blogs in the network.
  5. Respond to others’ comments on own blog
  6. Pass tags around – strengthening the network.
  7. Respond to tags.

I have not done any of these lately, so I probably do not belong anywhere.

However, some kind souls who I did not know chanced upon my site and offered me encouragement. It was nice to meet new, very interesting people who are not really listed in my old list of blogs read. At times, I have even failed to respond to comments. (I am sorry, Arthur. Cat got tongue.)

Interestingly, the one link sending me most traffic was this, where a great Bong said that “Nothing Happens” is a rather apt description of Anil Kapoor’s “My Wife’s Murder”. I do not know how far the analogy goes, and I am scared to think.

I thought I would undo some of the sins of not doing any of the above sevens, and start with the seventh.

Here goes, the seven tag, which I owe to Urmea:

Seven things that I plan on doing (apart from the seven duties to bloggerdom):

  1. Live life for a few years in the middle east
  2. Write again in Bangla
  3. Read the classics
  4. Get back to India and teach
  5. ?
  6. ?
  7. Have more ambitions

Seven things I can’t do (apart from the seven duties to bloggerdom):

  1. Get the payesh exactly right
  2. Quit smoking (do I really want to?)
  3. Set a daily routine and keep it for more than 2 days
  4. Say the right thing at the right time in the right way
  5. Stop thinking aloud (even when people are around)
  6. Take the distant future (like 3-4 years away) seriously
  7. Make any list of seven things

Seven things I say a lot :

I really cannot do this, given my proven inability to make any list of seven things.

Here comes the newer and more dangerous tag - the eight things about the perfect lover. Thankfully, it is a list of eight and not seven. But Vishkanya, why, oh why do you have to:

  1. make me make difficult lists – goes against my stream of consciousness approach, because my consciousness cannot count
  2. make me talk about the perfect lover – when I am not sure about the concept of perfection
  3. make me talk about the perfect lover – when I am not sure about the concept of love
  4. make me talk about the perfect lover – when I am not sure whether, assuming the existence of a lover, I want to brood on her perfection
  5. make me talk about the perfect lover – when I am not sure whether, assuming that I know what my perfect lover should be like, I want my lover (if any) to know my ideas on that
  6. make me talk about the perfect lover – when I am not sure whether, assuming that I know what my perfect lover is like and that my lover too knows my ideas on that, I want the wide world to know that
  7. make me talk about the perfect lover – when (after such analysis) I know there cannot be any

Hmm, now is the time to pass on the good/bad/ugly Karma. So, I tag the great Gamesmaster, who is suffering from a block. Incidentally, it was his tag that once before had cured me of blogger's block. So, I am hoping to return the favour.